Word of the Day: Abet

Word of the Day: 

[ ə bét ]


verb: assist usually in doing something wrong.

ETYMOLOGYlate 14c. (implied in abetting), from O.Fr. abeter "to bait, to harass with dogs," lit. "to cause to bite," from a- "to" (see ad-) + beter "to bait," from a Germanic source, perhaps Low Franconian betan "incite," or O.N. beita "cause to bite," from P.Gmc. *baitjan, from PIE root *bheid- "to split" (see fissure). Related: Abetted; abetting.

USAGE: He was unwilling to abet him in drugs trade.        

SYNONYMS: advocate, back, condone, egg on, encourage, endorse, goad, incite, instigate, prod, promote, provoke, sanction, spur, support, urge

ANTONYMS: counter, deter, discourage, frustrate, hinder, hurt, impede, obstruct, resist
