Has Democracy Started Devouring Its Own Children | Author: Anjani Kumar

MRP: 490 Rs.

A thought on how democracy is being destabilized by its own tools of freedom and liberty and how to meet the challenge. Mr. Anjani Kumar has raised an important issue that affects our daily lives. How much freedom is too much freedom? His presentation of political systems around the world along with understanding of the political concepts in different religions give this book a unique feature. His experience of serving at the top levels of the Government must have come handy while intertwining burning issues like corruption, terrorism, refugee crisis and the economic slowdown with the government system. It also shows Mr. Anjani’s depth of understanding and his thoughtfulness. The book wonderfully travels from seemingly huge concepts to the most basic unit of it all, individual. What does an individual have? What can an individual do? The book is very relevant and will remain, across all times.
"Mr Virag Gupta, Advocate, Supreme Court"

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Details of Book: Has Democracy Started Devouring Its Own Children

Book:Has Democracy Started Devouring Its Own Children
Author:Anjani Kumar
Category:Democracy, Political  
Binding & Size:Paperback (5.5" x 8.5")
Publishing Date:2019
Number of Pages:408
Reader Rating:   5 Star
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